Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome to Astrobabylon

Welcome and Happy New Year!

Today's New Moon and partial Solar Eclipse is the perfect opportunity for me to launch Astrobabylon. Hopefully this moon, situated in the practical sign of Capricorn, will support my plans for making this blog work.

The purpose of Astrobabylon is to compliment my zine Astrobabble: the Zine for Astrology Nerds which I have been creating for two years with the help of my creative partner, Cate Riley. I am a Sydney-based astrologer and Cate is a Canberra-based artist.

My aim with each issue of Astrobabble is to stick to an astrological theme of some sort, hoping that the articles and information on each page connect to each other in some way. I see this zine as a manifestation of my two passions - astrology and pop culture.

As I straddle two opposing Universes - the zine world and astrology - I am ambivalent as to how Astrobabylon should function. I guess the blog will morph organically and take on a life of its own. Initially I was going to back track two years worth of zine work, but that seems unrealistic and exhausting. Instead I will pay credence to Cate, who generously takes time out of her busy schedule to create Astrobabble cover art.

Below is art created by Cate of cult leader Charles Manson for the latest issue. Check out her website fadstudios for more shit-hot art at For copies of Astrobabble (I have created four issues so far), contact me here at Astrobabylon.

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